Tuesday, February 23, 2016


My story started a little more then nineteen years ago. Most days I struggle with depression. This blog will be my semi-colon story.

I'm your average Midwestern girl. I'm from small town, middle of no where Iowa. That's Iowa the corn state, not Idaho the potato state. People get the two confused a lot and most people who aren't from the Midwest can't place Iowa on a map. We border the Mississippi and are about smack-dab in the middle of the country.

I grew up on an acreage living a normal life. I was a 4-Her and have had many pets. My pets are very important to me, they are one of the reasons I get out of bed every day. I will probably share about them a lot.

I'm a college student. College is a source of a lot of stress for me, and stress triggers serious depression episodes at times. In fact right now I should be writing a journal for my ethics class but instead I'm writing this.

Today was rough - so that's why I'm here. They say once you put something on the internet you can never take it back. I'm ready to tell someone, anyone my story. No taking it back anymore.

This is the start of my healing process. I'm not telling anyone I know about this blog. So if you find this and read this - thank you. Thank you for making me feel a little less alone.

Tell someone you love them tonight.

Til next time;

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